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Adding a team to a company
Adding a team to a company

How to create a new team in the Web Portal.

Callum Coombes avatar
Written by Callum Coombes
Updated over a week ago

To add a team to a company:

  1. Ensure you are logged into the Safepoint Portal, you are in an existing company and you are a Company Admin.

  2. Click the "Add team +" button located in the left hand navigation panel under the company you want to create the team for.

  3. Type a name for the team and activate PIN and/or Voice record if required.
    Activating the PIN option will ask the users in this team to type in a security PIN every time they extend a task, cancel an emergency alert or end a task in the mobile app. Activating the Voice record option will require users in this team to record a short voice clip at the start and at the end of every task they create.

  4. To create the team with your settings click "Create Team".

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