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Adding company procedures
Adding company procedures

How to add company procedures in the Web Portal.

Callum Coombes avatar
Written by Callum Coombes
Updated over a week ago

Company procedures are an incredibly important part of your company on Safepoint. These are the steps your Guardians will be asked to follow when responding to an alert.

Note: These procedures ARE NOT followed by the team in the 24/7 GuardianPlus response centre. Company procedures are designed to be used by your internal Guardians only.

To add a new set of company procedures:

  1. Ensure you are logged into the Portal and you are a Company Admin.

  2. Click on 'Company settings' in the left-hand menu (make sure that you're in the right company! You can change company by clicking on the company name at the top of the left-hand menu).

  3. Scroll down to the "Company procedures" section.

  4. Under the "Procedures List" title, click "Add another+".

  5. Type in a procedure, such as "Call the lone worker".

  6. Repeat steps 4 & 5 until you are happy your procedures are suitable. Click "Save Procedures", you will be shown a success message.

  7. Your company procedures are now live and will be shown to Guardians when responding to an alert.

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