Creating a company

Part 3 of the Getting Started guide

James Rogers avatar
Written by James Rogers
Updated over a week ago

As soon as you’ve registered an account, the Web Portal or App will take you through the setup process where you can set up your company and invite your team.

Note: only one team member needs to set up a company account. If a team member has already done this and invited you, skip this step and follow Part 4.

Creating a company in the Web Portal or App:

  1. If a team member has already created a company and invited you, you will see your invite. If not, press ‘Create a new company’

  2. Give your company a name
    Note: You can change the company name at a later date

  3. Add an optional phone number to help with account management

  4. Next, you will see the ‘Invite your staff’ screen. Add in a team member’s email address, press ‘add’, and then repeat for all team members. We encourage you to invite any members of staff you want to protect with the Safepoint App, along with anyone who will be acting as ‘Guardians’. Now press ‘Next’

  5. You’ll see the ‘your first team’ screen now that you’ve invited your staff. From here, you can choose who will be a ‘Guardian’ (someone who can observe all active team members and handle alerts) and an ‘Admin’ (someone who can change standard settings and add new users to the team). Once you’ve picked your Guardians and Admins, press ‘Submit’

Note: When you’re up and running, you can use the Web Portal or App to organise your employees into as many ‘teams’ as you want (such as ‘home visits’, ‘sales’ and ‘night shift’). For now, you may find it simpler to stick to ‘your first team’.

Next, we’ll discuss how your staff can accept the invitation, download the App, and get started with making tasks. Go to the next step.

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