Upgrading to a paid subscription is an easy and straightforward process.
If you are in an active trial, follow these steps:
Login to the Web Portal
Make sure you have the Billing permission
Click 'Company Settings' in the upper left corner of the screen
Scroll down to the subscriptions section and click 'Manage Subscription'
Click 'Update plan'
Select either the Monthly or Yearly billing period
Select either the Standard or GuardianPlus plan
Select the number of licenses
Once happy, click 'continue'
You'll be prompted to enter payment information. You can pay via Card or Direct Debit
Done! Your subscription is now upgraded and you can immediately begin to use Safepoint
If you are no longer in a trial follow these steps:
Login to the Web Portal
You will be presented with a screen to choose your subscription.
Select either the Month or Year billing period
Click 'Subscribe' for either the Standard or GuardianPlus plan
Select the number of licenses
Enter your payment details and click 'Subscribe'
Done! Your subscription is now upgraded and you can immediately begin to use Safepoint